Wooden Puzzle - Cloudy Elephant

43,89€ 21,89€ Save 50%
Creativity development
Possibility to hang the puzzle on the wall
Fun for hours
Suitable for children from 3 years old

🚛 Estimated Delivery

  • Over 110 000 satisfied customers
  • 1-3 day EU delivery
  • FREE SHIPPING on orders over 75€
  • 14 Day Risk-Free Trial

  • Each piece of our wooden puzzle is uniquely shaped, ensuring an original puzzling experience.

  • Our product combines fun with relaxation, stimulating your creativity and helping you unwind.

  • Once completed, you can transform your puzzle into a unique piece of art using the special foil provided, adding a touch of beauty to your home.
  • Size M (A4): 100 pieces, easy. Perfect for quick fun. 2-4 hours.

  • Size L (A3): 200 pieces, medium. Ideal for relaxing. 4-6 hours.

  • Size XL (A2): 400 pieces, challenging. For puzzle enthusiasts. 6-8 hours.
Shipping and Warranty

Free Shipping
on orders above 75€
We offer 1-3 business day shipping within Europe.

Standard Shipping fee:

Pick up point: 2,90€
Courier: 3,90€

2 year Warranty
You're covered for 2 years with our warranty.

14 Day Risk-Free Trial

You can return your purchase within 14 days of receiving it for a full refund, no questions asked!

Assemble it and easily mount it on your wall with our wall mount kit.

This is not regular puzzle!

Each piece is unique in its shape. Some are abstract, others are cutted in the shape of various animals.

Regular Puzzle
Our Puzzle

Available in 3 different sizes and difficulties.

  • Size M (A4) - 150 pieces - Easiest difficulty. Ideal for quick assembly fun. The average assembly time is 2-4 hours.
  • Size L (A3) - 200 pieces - Golden middle path. The ideal size for everyone who likes to enjoy their free time by putting together puzzles. The average assembly time is 4-6 hours.
  • Size XL (A2) - 400 pieces - We recommend this size to the bravest and most patient. The average assembly time is 6-8 hours.

Choose from dozens of vibrant designs

Choose from dozens of captivating designs and make your wallet truly one-of-a-kind. Our precision laser engraving brings your chosen artwork to life.

Frequently asked questions

Are your puzzles suitable for children?

While our puzzles are generally suitable for children aged 8 and older, the ideal age range can vary depending on a child's individual abilities and interests. Adult supervision is always a good idea.

Can I hang the puzzle on the wall?

Absolutely! With our adhesive film and foam dots, you can easily attach your completed puzzle directly to the wall or frame it for a beautiful display.

Are the puzzles durable?

Absolutely! Our puzzles are finished with a high-quality varnish that protects the surface and ensures that your puzzle will last for years to come.

Do you offer a gift box with the puzzle?

Yes, our puzzles come in a beautiful wooden box with a matching design on the front that can also be used as a stand and reference for assembling the puzzle.

What is delivery time and fees ?

We are EU based company so all orders will be delivered in 1-3 days with FREE shipping on all orders over 75€.

Can I return the product?

Of course we offer Free returns within 14 days (except for customized items).

We guarantee your satisfaction! If for any reason you're not happy, you can return products within 14 days of purchase for a full refund. Unfortunately, customized items cannot be returned or refunded.

Customer Reviews

Based on 77 reviews

Objednali sme si puzzle Astral Owl a realita zodpovedá reklame. Krásne, farebné puzzle s úplne neštandardným spôsobom skladania ako sme zvyknutí. Dieliky majú rôzne špirály, háčiky. Odporúčam


Na Vianoce ma čakal jeden úžasný darček a to puzzle od Vás, so skladaním som sa trochu potrápila ale výsledok zato stojí... jednoducho nádhera.


Kúpila som puzzle ako darček pre kamarátku a neskutočne sa jej to páčilo! Dostala to najmenšie puzzle a trvalo jej to cca 3 hodiny poskladať. Veľmi ju to bavilo a vyzerá to prekrásne. Niektoré tie kusy sú v tvare ďalších zvierat a tie ktoré nie sú, majú krásne tvary rovnako. Farby sú nádherné a tie kúsky dreva boli veľmi kvalitné. Určite to ešte niekomu kúpim, možno aj sebe :)


Zaobstaral som tento darček celej rodine a musím povedať že sme sa pri tom pekne zapotili 😃.


Krásna práca, rýchle doručenie a veľmi originálny darček ☺️ Určite budem objednávať zas.


Rýchle dodanie


Rýchlo vybavili objednávku. Puzzle bolo krásne a potešilo.


Potreboval som kúpiť len samostatne fóliu. Tu však neponúkajú samostatne na e-shope. Po krátkej komunikácii sme sa dohodli, ako to vyriešime a objednávka prebehla úplne bez problémov.
+ Ústretová komunikácia, bez problémov som vybavil to, čo som potreboval

- Chcelo by to podlepovacia fólia ako samostatné produkty na e-shope


Rýchle dodanie. Jednoduchá a milá komunikácia.


Rýchle dodanie, venovanie na krabici :)